Monday, November 3, 2008

Too Much Drama With Obama. No Pain With McCain.


Elections are one day away, so I might as well give my view on what I think about it. I think it’s terrible that people my age are not getting into the politics of what’s going on. I’m not saying everyone that’s around 18-19, but just most. I feel like when ever I tried to have an intelligent discussion with somebody about why they are voting for Barack Obama, I got answers like…” Cause he’s a brotha, he’s good looking, he’s younger, he’s cool, he’s a good speaker” And it just started to seem like we were voting for a Prom King and not the next PRESIDENT of the United States. People complain that McCain is too old, “he will probably die in office” I hear it all the time…. Look people, you don’t have to be young, or in shape, or in your prime to be President. I thought people would look for qualities in a President such as experience, wisdom and knowledge, a guy who has been there and done that, which are all qualities McCain brings. But it seems like it’s so far been frowned upon. There are a lot of Political reasons why I’m voting for McCain and not Obama, but I’m not gonna get into all of it cause I’ll be sitting here all day. But as for ME, it all goes back to my beliefs/religion/morals. Let’s go back to our founding fathers who built the foundation and Constitution of the United States on Biblical, Christian values. The Bible and the 10 Commandments is where we based all our Laws from. So of course everyone hates the Law cause everyone hates the Bible, cause everyone hates God… Doesn’t it all make sense now?? Republicans have always been more of the Conservative party which if anyone is Christian or Catholic or have any morals at all, should be for Republicans. Democrats have been known to be very Liberal, people who try to solve situations more by reason instead of faith. So it’s basically like we have a bunch of Atheists/Darwinists in Congress… That’s awesome? If this country is ran by Democrats, I feel like the moral of this Country will go down the drain. Again this is only my opinion. All I ask is for the people who are actually gonna VOTE, to think real deep and real hard about it. If I can convert one Obama supporter to vote for McCain tomorrow, than I’ve done my job. This is ya boy, you know who it is.


Anonymous said...

How can you judge Democrats as atheists/darwinists? Do you think there aren't any Christian Democrats? Last time I checked Barack Obama is a Christian, What makes him so bad?The way you wrote this you make it seem that which ever party we chose either Republican or Democrat defines our beliefs, which isn't the way it is. You also make it seem like that Christian Republicans are better than everyone else and Democrats are going to ruin this country. Now Im not asking you to change who you are voting for, but rather not to look at things from one side and open your mind to other things.

J-Swag said...

Now what I said is that democrats have "been known" to be more liberal. So you can't be liberal and be a Christian, its completely contradictory... Is there democratic Christians? Of course there is. But most Christians lean towards Republicans more because of the same beliefs and values they share. And I said for "ME" that what it mainly came down to was my beliefs, which were matched more with John McCain’s. And how does choosing a party not define your beliefs? The last time I checked congress (which majority is ran by democrats) wanted to take the Pledge of Allegiance out of schools, take "God Bless America" off our money, and that anything with God, should be thrown out. Again, I am speaking MAJORITY. But in my OWN opinion, I find it hard to be a strong democrat and a strong Christian, again, "my OWN opinion" and I never meant to make the impression that Christian Republicans are better, me being a Christian; I am biased towards Republicans and their beliefs. And I don’t think Democrats will ruin this country, I just feel that God will be completely kicked out of everything, (again, I’m a Christian, So I find this bad) and that the moral of this country would start to fade. Last time we had a democratic President (Bill Clinton) there were issues with adultery and illegal drug use... from our PRESIDENT. And there’s no way you can convince me Barack Hussein Obama is a Christian. I'm Middle Eastern; I know a Muslim name when I see it... Now the beauty of this country is that we are all entitled to our own opinions, no matter how bad or good they are. Thank you for reading and commenting though, I really do appreciate it :)

Sammy said...

Oh wow. I'm sorry but although we are all entitled to our own opinions, they have to be rational ones. First off Obama's name has nothing to do with his religion, its simply that, a name. I know someone who's name is as American as baseball and they are Muslim. So to say/imply that someone's name or where they got their education from makes them Muslim is absurd.

Secondly, you stated that because the laws are supposedly based of the bible, and everyone hates the law.....everyone hates God? I'm having a tough time understanding your logic because the only people that hate the law are people who want to break them aka, criminals. And those are the same people who do not have strong faith to begin with. So...yea, I dont know what was meant by that.

Thirdly, you blatantly said that democrats/liberals = atheists and immoral. That's a pretty bold/generalized statement.

Although those are your opinions, and I respect them, It kind of sounded like you were talking down of sorts to people who do not support the Republican party simply because of their religious . That's the only thing I would ask you to change, less emotional and more academic. You just made a LOT of generalizations. That's all lol.


J-Swag said...

Haha ughh! This pisses me off that I don’t know who I’m talking too. But I’ll start with “Shadow”… My parent’s have a satellite where they are able to watch Arabic news and they have talked about Obama and his Muslim faith. Some Muslims even say he’s the next Messiah. There’s so much evidence that I have heard over Arabic news, its ridiculous. Of course you would never hear anything like that in American news. Maybe he once was Muslim and now converted Christian. That just may be the case. But what’s absurd is that people have to second guess him. I just wonder if he was/is Muslim, if he would still have won the election. Maybe, I don’t know. But it’s not absurd to think that a guy who was raised in a Muslim country who went to a Muslim school and has a Muslim name is actually Muslim. I don’t understand how you think that’s absurd because this is a question A LOT of people are wondering about because there is a lot of logic put into it.

Secondly, I’m sure you know of the 10 commandments. Check them out and you’ll notice that we have those same laws. Not everyone hates God, obviously a little exaggeration there, I agree with you about the criminal thing. I apologize for my exaggeration.

Thirdly, you need to actually READ what I said. What I said is “So it’s basically LIKE we have a bunch of atheists in congress.” Key word = LIKE. I didn’t say they ARE. “I” was comparing liberals to atheists because after studying about atheists and liberals, they seemed similar to ME. No, not all liberals are atheists; I established that there are democratic Christians. And what I also said is “if democrats run this country I FEEL like the moral of this country will go down the drain.” Key word = FEEL… This is totally an opinionated statement.

And I’m not talking down. I already said I’m republican/Christian so I am biased about my opinions. If you feel offended, get off my Blog. I am speaking how I feel and what’s on my mind. This is why I started doing this thing. This is a place where I can write about my own personal opinions. You don’t have to like it. Nonetheless, you are very educated; whoever you are, lol, and I understand where you are coming from. I’m not judging your opinions or beliefs and I respect them as well.

For the other anonymous person… You stated what his names meant back in the day before Islam and Muslim faith have even begun. Just because those names existed before Muhammad doesn’t mean they turned into Muslim names. You said the name Hussein existed before Islam…But Hussein is now a Muslim name. Saddam Hussein? Allah is still the Arabic word for God. But “Allah” doesn’t specify any God…it just means God; you can be talking about any God, which ever one you believe in. And please show me a strong Liberal and a strong Christian, because I honestly think they are confused if you know one. Being Middle Eastern and having access to Middle Eastern news and such and being educated about Islam faith by both my parents I have a certain views of things that you can’t understand. I’ve heard millions of stories about radical Muslims and there is a reason why I feel this way about them, that’s why it’s hard for you to understand where I’m coming from. But I understand that. It’s not that I hate Muslims. One of my best friends is Muslim, but that doesn’t mean I agree with his beliefs. And I would have just PREFERED if my President had the same beliefs as I did, which is why I voted for McCain. Although he didn’t win, Obama is now my President. I hope everything doesn’t turn into a disaster like I think it is, I really do hope I’m wrong, because after all, I am an American and I do live in this Country… And shit, I hope he IS a Christian too. 

Sammy said...

Haha, nahh, I didn't say I didn't like it, I read it cus your opinions are completely opposite from mine. It's just debate, nothing personal...I hope you feel the same

And just wanted to chime in and say that I too have Arabic satellite and i am a Muslim. So I ask you this. I was raised in a christian country, went to predominantly christian schools, and my name sounds more christian than Muslim. Does that make me a christian? No, and that's all I'm trying to get at.

The republicans were using a tactic that would try and scare mostly uneducated people away from B.O. by trying to associate his name with terrorism (unfortunately nowadays known as Islam, which is another debate in and of itself).

Other than that your rebuttal was well taken.

You got to love politics lol

J-Swag said...

Haha yours was taken well also. I appreciate the debate, its nothing personal at all. And yah you gotta love politics haha. No one ever thinks their wrong, so we can keep going for days. lol but im sure we both got better things to do.